One grunge flip of hair, a sip of whiskey in a coffee mug, leather skinny jeans and a ripped shirt, hint of dirty, sexy vocals and you're hooked. She's got you. And who is she?
She is the Rock goddess, Metamorphosis queen, indie rock it girl or...let's make it simpler you can just call her Alison Mosshart.
So, my newest obsession is The Kills front woman. When I start to annoy everybody with it, it's time to take it up with the blog. In my diggings through Alison life, I put together a post on 10 things you don't know about the cool girl of rock.
So sit back, put on The Kills playlist on random and enjoy it.
1. Sunshine state girl. Alison was in a punk rock band in Florida before The Kills.Now, she's been living in London since 2002.
2. Artistic Soul. Mosshart juggles 3 jobs: 2 bands and one solo gig as a painter. You can see the canvas on her Instagram. Plus, she's the front woman of the Kills and The Dead Weather.
3. Hair changes: she's done red, platinum blonde and fierce black. It all looks good and cool as hell.

6. Supermodel life. Her companion Hince is married to Kate Moss. Alison was the best woman at his weeding.
7. Mosshart has a feud with Moss. Rumour has it that the queen of the runways isn't too fond of the relationship Alison has with Jaimie. Could it because of this little ritual?

9.Open Road is her thing. She's writing new Kills songs at the wheel – "literally, with a pen and a paper. Believe me, it's so dangerous..."
10. Inspiration at kindergarten. Her mother, a high school art teacher, entertained her with pens, paints, markers and paper. She would sit in one place and work on her projects for hours at a time.
Ever so loyal Alex
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